Sunday, December 9, 2007

25 weeks

Hi! Here I am 25 weeks pregnant! Do you think I look bigger? Josh has made it to Patagonia and things are going well for him there. He is able to check email, so send him a note to let him know you are thinking about him. Love you all and looking forward to being in KY soon!!!xoxoxox

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Baby belly

Here are some photos taken October 28th at 19 weeks pregnant. The last one was taken today, my photographer is off duty.xoxox

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hello everyone.....

We have created a blog to keep everyone up to date with our lives here in Yosemite. We promise not to bore you with every little detail. Mostly it will be a place to share photos and communicate with all of our out of town friends and family. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to post any of your own photos as well.

Love to you all.

Erica and Josh