Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Juniper was so excited she got to eat a whole bowl of snow.

Christmas 2011

she loved playing under the tree

stuff we won at a raffle

Thanksgiving Holiday-Eugene

her first Starbucks (hot chocolate)

view from hotel in Sacramento on our way to Oregon


outside Science Factory


making cookies

Turkey Legs!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sweet June Bug

Juniper and Wilde are still best buddies!

Her new bed, she loves it! Now if I could just get her to sleep in it all night.

Ok, she has enough babies now.

Autumn 2010

Wow, I am really behind on my blog. Juniper is growing and changing so fast I can hardly keep up with her. I am going to try and catch up since last Autumn where I left off, enjoy!

Juniper was a Witch Doctor for Halloween, her own creation!

Autun in Yosemite Valley

Juniper and Wilde at the pumpkin patch