Thursday, March 20, 2008

hear juniper cry


Gene Gene said...

Hi All,

She sure is cute. She looks very content. The perfect angel!! Can't wait to hold her Saturday, maybe by then you will be willing to share her for awhile. She seems happy with her new home and her two beautiful parents. Welcome to our world Juniper.
Love, Gene Gene


Playthings Toy Shoppe said...

I love her so much already! I am looking forward to lov'n on her!! She is beautiful!!! She has Erica's big almond shaped eyes!! She sure is shouting from the roof tops with her cry to let us all know how excited she is to be here!!! She is really screaming, " I'm so happy these people are my parents! I love California! Let's eat!! Where's Michelle, I want to meet her!! Take me home, I want to see my new room and my dog!! :)"""" Love you both! Enjoy yourselves and try to get some rest. I'll be out there soon to hug and kiss you all!!! Michelle

frankpatti said...

Welcome, adorable Juniper Gail---Here's to you and the wisdom of your choice.
You are a treasure and a precious treasure and joy to this ever-growing family.
We love you dearly...Mimi and Grandpa xxxxoooo

cheri said...

Dear Josh and Erica,

Juniper is definitely a strong girl! What a voice. So robust. We love how mad she sounds; she must have been mighty comfortable in her previous home.

We hope the two of you are enjoying your new baby and getting a few winks of sleep. Our thoughts are with you and we look forward to coming to meet your beautiful daughter in person as soon as we can make it to California.

Love to the three of you,

Cheri and Tim

Jerry said...

Way to go, Mamma and Pappa! Congrats you guys, we miss seeing you evry day.

Jerry and Bea

502alan said...

erica congradulations very cute baby i especially love that name juniper. martha's friend alan