Saturday, December 31, 2011

Winter 2011

Alex came to visit!! We loved having her here for a day and took her to Tenaya Lake. Since the road to the high country is still open we were able to ice skate on Tenaya Lake. So special!

bubbles in the ice

At Tenaya Lake a different day. A version of this photos is on the front page of the Mariposa Gazette.

Wilde and Juniper at the fire pit at Yosemite Valley ice skating rink. So much fun!

We went caroling in Midpines and sat on hay bales pulled by a tractor. Another fun festive night. The smiles on the peoples face as well pulled up singing was priceless.


Gingerbread houses we decorated at preschool. Guess which one is Juniper's? The one on the far back right, it dumped snow on hers!

Two different days playing dress up.

Wilde and Bella spent the night

Giant pancakes, Junipers favorite breakfast!

Her letter to Santa, so sweet.

she loves babies, especially sweet Evelyn

An afternoon with Wilde and Lily at the river.


1 comment:

Crooked Moon Mama said...

I left it as a comment on your blog...whatever post was current... Your Google profile does not have an email attached, so I cannot send you an email. I hope you get this one!
"Tuolumne Meadows and East side"
Here's what I wrote....

Looks like a nice vacation!
I am sorry about just now getting back to you about the raw caramel and hemp smoothies. :)
The raw caramel is basically a blend of soaked cashews, soak medjool dates and a bit of vanilla, yum!
I make all my smoothies with whatever I have on hand. That particular smoothie was probably pumpkin, hemp milk, hemp seeds, dates and vanilla...i think! :)

To be more specific about the raw caramel sauce. Soak 1 cup of cashews and 1 cup of pitted medjool dates for at least 4 hours. drain well and then blend in high speed blender for a minute. add a splash of vanilla and a dash of salt...yum.